
UCSD Design@Large

See highlights from our Design@Large panel at UCSD with CHEI's Dominique Rissolo and Dominique Falko, hosted by Lisa Cartwright

Our Worlds Selected as One of 6 Finalists to Compete at SXSW Edu Launch

OurWorlds, Inc. has been selected for a coveted spot as one of 6 finalists chosen to pitch to a live audience of industry experts, early adopters, investors, and educators at the 11th annual SXSW Edu Launch Competition on March 9, 2022, at SXSW Edu Festival in Austin, TX.

Comic-Con Was a Blast!

Over 200 people turned out to hear our panelists discuss technology, the comic arts, and Native American representation. See the highlights.

Our Worlds is going to SXSW Edu!

October 13 , 2021 – Our PanelPicker proposal for SXSW Edu was chosen from among over 800 entries to be a part of the panel lineup at SXSW Edu 2022!

Native American Comics and Culture, Extended Reality, and 360º World-Building

October 14, 2021 – Look for our upcoming panel at Comic-Con Special Edition this coming Thanksgiving weekend!

Into the Metaverse at UCSD

October 7, 2021 – OurWorlds was invited to join a panel talk with other teams doing cool work in the metaverse space, hosted by the UC San Diego Office of Innovation and Commercialization and the Arthur C. Clarke Center for the Human Imagination. Watch a recording

OurWorlds at Projecting Futures, AIGA San Diego Design Week

September 10, 2021 – Our Worlds was invited to project video art on the Spreckels Pavilion during San Diego Design Week! Watch a video.

Ricardo Caté XR360º Art Exhibition

July 11, 2021 – OurWorlds welcomed comic strip artist Ricardo Caté to San Diego and hosted the world's first XR360º art exhibition.